white chess pieces in the starting position

21 Common Mistakes Made by Beginner Chess Players and How to Avoid Them

Tips and Tricks, Strategy, Tactics By Feb 13, 2023 572 Comments

Chess is a complex and challenging game that requires strategy, patience, and attention to detail. While the game is beloved by many, it can be daunting for beginners to navigate the strategies and tactics necessary to play well. In this blog post, we’ll explore 21 of the most common mistakes made by beginner chess players, and offer tips and strategies for avoiding them. Whether you’re a brand new player or a seasoned veteran looking to improve your game, understanding these common mistakes can help you develop stronger skills and become a more effective player. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can avoid these common pitfalls and play a stronger, more strategic game of chess!

1. Moving too quickly

Moving too quickly is a common mistake in chess. It’s important to take your time to consider all of your options and evaluate the potential consequences of each move before making it. Moving too quickly can lead to poor decisions and mistakes that can have a significant impact on the outcome of the game. It’s also important to avoid being rushed by your opponent’s threats or time pressure. Take the time to think about the position, assess your options, and make a well-considered move. This will help you avoid mistakes and make better decisions during the game.

When you see a good move, look for a better one.

Emanuel Lasker

2. Neglecting piece development

Piece development refers to the process of bringing your pieces out from their starting positions and getting them into active, attacking positions on the board. It’s important to develop your pieces early in the game in order to control the board and create attacking opportunities. Neglecting piece development can lead to a lack of control over the board and limited options for attack and defense. So, it’s crucial to prioritize piece development and ensure that your pieces are well-positioned and active on the board.

3. Developing the queen too early

It’s important to develop your pieces gradually and to think carefully about the timing of each move. Developing the queen too early can result in her becoming a target for your opponent, leaving her vulnerable to attack and potentially leading to a loss. Additionally, moving the queen too early can limit your ability to develop other important pieces such as knights and bishops, which are important for control of the board and for supporting your pawns and other pieces. So, it’s important to be mindful of the timing of your queen’s development and to consider alternative moves that can help you build a strong and flexible position.

4. Not paying attention to the center

The center of the board is an important area in chess, as it provides control over the rest of the board and helps dictate the flow of the game. It’s important to control the center by occupying it with your pieces and pawns, as this will give you a better position and more options for attack and defense. Neglecting the center can lead to a lack of control over the board and limit your ability to create threats and respond to your opponent’s moves. So, it’s crucial to always be mindful of the center and work to control it throughout the game.

5. Overlooking tactical opportunities

Tactical opportunities are sudden, short-lived chances to gain an advantage over your opponent through a combination of moves. They can arise from a variety of situations, such as a weakness in your opponent’s position, a discovered attack, or a combination of other factors. It’s important to be alert to tactical opportunities and ready to seize them when they arise. Overlooking these opportunities can lead to missed opportunities to gain a decisive advantage and can put you at a disadvantage in the game. So, it’s crucial to train your tactical awareness and be prepared to act quickly and decisively when tactical opportunities present themselves.

6. Not considering the opponent’s threats

In chess, it’s important to not only consider your own plans and moves, but also to pay attention to your opponent’s potential threats and plans. Neglecting to consider your opponent’s threats can lead to poor decisions and moves that leave you vulnerable to attack. By anticipating and considering your opponent’s threats, you can better defend against them and make more informed decisions about your own moves. So, it’s important to be aware of your opponent’s potential threats at all times and to have a plan for addressing them. This will help you play a more proactive and strategic game of chess.

7. Moving the pieces randomly

Moving the pieces randomly is a common mistake made by chess players, especially beginners. In chess, it’s important to have a plan and purpose behind each move you make. Moving pieces randomly without considering the consequences can lead to poor positions, weak pawn structures, and an inability to create threats. Random moves can also make it easier for your opponent to take advantage of your mistakes and gain a winning advantage. So, it’s important to take the time to think about the position, assess your options, and make a well-considered move. This will help you avoid mistakes and make better decisions during the game.

8. Moving the same piece multiple times in the opening

In the opening, it’s important to develop all of your pieces and get them into active, attacking positions on the board. Moving the same piece multiple times can slow down your development and create weaknesses in your position. It can also give your opponent opportunities to gain a lead in development and create threats. So, it’s important to develop all of your pieces in the opening and avoid moving the same piece multiple times. This will help you control the board and create a more solid and flexible position.

9. Underestimating the value of the king

The king is the most important piece on the board and must be protected at all costs. Underestimating the value of the king can lead to poor decisions and moves that leave your king exposed to attack. This can result in a quick loss of the game. So, it’s important to always be mindful of the safety of your king and to take the necessary precautions to protect it. This may involve castling, keeping the king protected by pawns, or moving the king to a safer square. By properly protecting your king, you can ensure that you have a better chance of survival and success in the game.

10. Failing to coordinate pieces

It’s important to have all of your pieces working together to achieve a common goal. Coordinating your pieces can lead to stronger attacks, better defense, and improved control over the board. Failing to coordinate pieces can result in a lack of control over key areas of the board, weak pawn structures, and limited options for attack and defense. So, it’s important to think about the placement of your pieces and how they can work together to achieve your goals in the game. By coordinating your pieces effectively, you can play a stronger and more strategic game of chess.

11. Neglecting to castle

Castling is an important move in chess that helps to protect the king, develop the rooks, and control the center of the board. Neglecting to castle can leave the king vulnerable to attack and slow down the development of the rooks. This can make it harder to control the board and create threats. So, it’s important to consider castling in the opening and to make this move when it is safe and beneficial for your position. By properly castling, you can improve the safety of your king and gain a more active role for your rooks in the game.

12. Keeping pieces undefended

It’s important to protect your pieces and to keep them defended in order to maintain control over the board and to prevent your opponent from taking advantage of your weaknesses. Keeping pieces undefended can result in unnecessary losses, weakened pawn structures, and a lack of control over key areas of the board. So, it’s important to be mindful of the protection of your pieces and to take steps to defend them whenever necessary.

13. Moving the king too early

In the opening and early middlegame, it’s important to keep the king safe and protected. Moving the king too early can leave it vulnerable to attack and can also slow down the development of other pieces. This can create weaknesses in your position and make it harder to control the board. So, it’s important to be patient with your king and to keep it safe and protected until it is necessary to move. Once the other pieces have been developed and the position has become clearer, you can consider moving the king to a safer square. By keeping the king safe and protected, you can ensure a better chance of survival and success in the game.

Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all.

Mikhail Chigorin

14. Playing without a plan

It’s important to have a strategy and a plan for how you want to achieve your goals. Playing without a plan can result in poor decisions, random moves, and a lack of control over the board. This can make it easier for your opponent to take advantage of your mistakes and gain a winning advantage. So, it’s important to take the time to think about the position, assess your options, and come up with a plan before making your next move. This will help you make better decisions, play more strategically, and increase your chances of success in the game.

15. Exchanging pieces for no reason

Exchanging pieces for no reason is a common mistake in chess. It can lead to a reduction in your attacking potential and create weaknesses in your position. Before exchanging pieces, it’s important to consider the impact it will have on your position and whether it is necessary to do so. Sometimes exchanging pieces is necessary for strategic or tactical reasons, but other times it is simply a waste of resources. It’s important to have a clear idea of why you are exchanging pieces and what you hope to achieve by doing so.

16. Not using the king in the endgame

The king is a powerful piece in the endgame and can play a key role in determining the outcome of the game. It is important to activate the king and use it to attack the opponent’s king, control key squares, and support your other pieces. By neglecting the king in the endgame, you may miss opportunities to win the game or create a winning advantage. So, it’s important to understand the role of the king in the endgame and know how to use it effectively.

17. Poor time management

Chess is a timed game, and it’s important to manage your time effectively in order to play the best game possible. Poor time management can result in running out of time and losing on time, making rushed and poorly thought-out moves, or simply not being able to take advantage of opportunities in the game. So, it’s important to keep an eye on the clock and to plan your moves in advance. By managing your time effectively, you can play a stronger and more strategic game of chess.

18. Not paying attention to the creation of passed pawns

Passed pawns are pawns that cannot be stopped by the opponent’s pawns and can be a powerful weapon in the endgame. It’s important to be mindful of the potential for passed pawns in your position and to take advantage of opportunities to create or prevent them.

19. Playing “Hope Chess”

“Hope chess” refers to making moves based on hope or wishful thinking, rather than a clear strategy or plan. In chess, it’s important to think critically and to make moves that fit with your overall strategy and goals. Playing “hope chess” can result in making weak and unrealistic moves, which can leave you vulnerable to your opponent’s threats and tactical opportunities. Additionally, playing “hope chess” can lead to a lack of control over key areas of the board and a lack of understanding of the position. So, it’s important to avoid playing “hope chess” and to think critically and carefully about your moves and plans. By developing a clear strategy and understanding of the position, you can play a stronger and more strategic game of chess.

20. Copying opponent’s move

It’s important to think independently and to make moves that fit with your own strategy and plans. Simply copying your opponent’s move can result in a predictable and one-dimensional game, making it easy for your opponent to counter your moves and to take control of the board. Additionally, copying your opponent’s move can lead to a lack of control over key areas of the board and a lack of a clear plan or strategy. So, it’s important to avoid simply copying your opponent’s move and to think creatively and critically about your own moves and plans. By developing your own strategy and ideas, you can play a stronger and more strategic game of chess.

21. Agreeing to a draw too soon

It’s important to carefully consider your options and to not give up on a game too easily. Agreeing to a draw too soon can result in missing out on potential opportunities for a win, or accepting a draw in a position where you have a good chance of winning. Additionally, agreeing to a draw too soon can limit your ability to gain experience and to improve your skills by playing to a finish. So, it’s important to be mindful of your position and to carefully consider your options before agreeing to a draw. By being patient and persistent, you can play a stronger and more strategic game of chess.

Chess is an endlessly fascinating and rewarding game, but it takes time, patience, and practice to become a strong player. By understanding and avoiding the common mistakes made by beginner chess players, you can take important steps towards improving your game and developing a stronger, more strategic approach to the game. Whether it’s neglecting piece development, overlooking tactical opportunities, or failing to coordinate your pieces effectively, there are many pitfalls that can trip up novice players. But armed with the strategies and tips we’ve discussed in this blog post, you can overcome these challenges and develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a skilled chess player. So keep practicing, keep learning, and enjoy the wonderful world of chess!


Hi there, I'm Sabina, a passionate chess player and author. I've been playing chess for over a decade and have participated in several national and international tournaments. As a woman who loves chess, I feel it's important to encourage and support other women who are interested in the game. That's why I love to write articles that focus on topics such as chess strategy, tactics, and psychology, as well as on the challenges and opportunities of being a female chess player. When I'm not playing chess or writing, I enjoy hiking, cooking, and spending time with my family. I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience with you, and I hope to inspire more women to get involved in the chess community.


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