

Hi there, I'm Sabina, a passionate chess player and author. I've been playing chess for over a decade and have participated in several national and international tournaments. As a woman who loves chess, I feel it's important to encourage and support other women who are interested in the game. That's why I love to write articles that focus on topics such as chess strategy, tactics, and psychology, as well as on the challenges and opportunities of being a female chess player. When I'm not playing chess or writing, I enjoy hiking, cooking, and spending time with my family. I'm excited to share my knowledge and experience with you, and I hope to inspire more women to get involved in the chess community.

Best Chess Software and Online Resources for Training: Improve Your Game Today!

Chess is a game that requires practice and dedication to improve. One of the best ways to get better at chess is by using software and online resources designed specifically for training purposes. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best chess software and online resources available for training. 1. is one of the most…

Mastering the Game of Chess: When to Start Learning from a Chess Coach

Chess is a fascinating and challenging game that has captivated players for centuries. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, there is always room for improvement. While self-learning can be a rewarding experience, working with a chess coach can accelerate your progress and take your game to the next level. But when is the right time to start…

Checkmate in Two Moves: The Ultimate Collection of Puzzles for Beginners and Casual Players – Part 1

Are you a beginner or a casual chess player looking to improve your skills and learn new tactics? Then you’re in luck! This is the perfect guide to help you master the art of checkmating your opponent in just two moves. This guide is designed to introduce you to the world of chess tactics and strategies in a fun and…

Mastering Chess Notation: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Down Chess Moves

Chess notation is the system used to record the moves of a game. It allows players to communicate the moves of the game in a standardized way, which is important for studying and analyzing games. There are two main systems of chess notation: algebraic notation and descriptive notation. Algebraic notation is the more modern and widely used system, and it…

Chess Lessons for Kids: How to Teach the Game

Beginner By Feb 19, 2023 245 Comments

Teaching chess to kids can be a fun and rewarding experience, as it not only introduces them to a new and challenging game, but also helps to develop their critical thinking skills, concentration, and creativity. However, teaching chess to kids can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. In this article, we’ll provide some tips…

Learn How to Play Chess: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Beginner, History By Feb 17, 2023 94 Comments

Chess is a classic board game that is played by two players on a square board consisting of 64 squares of alternating colors. The goal of the game is to put your opponent’s king in a position where it cannot escape capture, which is called “checkmate.” Here’s how to play: 1. Set up the chessboard The board should be set…

21 Common Mistakes Made by Beginner Chess Players and How to Avoid Them

Chess is a complex and challenging game that requires strategy, patience, and attention to detail. While the game is beloved by many, it can be daunting for beginners to navigate the strategies and tactics necessary to play well. In this blog post, we’ll explore 21 of the most common mistakes made by beginner chess players, and offer tips and strategies…

Achieving Chess Excellence: The Ideal Number of Puzzles to Solve Daily

The number of chess puzzles you should solve each day to improve will depend on a number of factors, including your current skill level, your goals, and the amount of time you have available to dedicate to solving puzzles. According to most chess experts, 30 minutes to an hour of daily puzzle solving is a commonly recommended. As a general…

The Ultimate Collection of Checkmate in One Move Puzzles: A Beginner and Casual Chess Player’s Guide – Part 2

Welcome to Part Two of the Checkmate in One Move Puzzle series! We hope you enjoyed Part One and are ready for even more challenging puzzles. In this installment, we will challenge your strategic thinking and problem solving skills with a new set of 50 challenging chess puzzles. Each puzzle presents you with a unique checkmate scenario, where you must…